Anzahl der Beiträge : 192 Anmeldedatum : 12.11.08 Alter : 34 Ort : W~Mountain
Thema: Killzone 2 - Zu wenig Werbung?!? Do Nov 13, 2008 9:55 pm
Wie man auf Gaming-Front lesen kann, ist das Spiel der absolute Grafik-Hammer und wird jedes andere bis jetzt erschienene Spiel in den Schatten stellen und es sogar mit Spielen für High End-PC’s aufnehmen können.
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Now just a few months away from the release of Killzone 2, we are starting to see just how powerful the PS3 is. Killzone 2 looks phenomenal. From what I have seen of it, it is hands down the best looking game on any of the current consoles, even rivaling the graphics of a high end PC. This is a game that quite honestly could sell itself solely based on graphics.
Allerdings bemängelt Gaming-Front die knausrigen Werbeaktionen von Sony.
Zitat :
The problem I see Killzone 2 having when it comes out, is not the game itself. I am confident that all the time the game has had in development will pay off. The problem I foresee is the same problem that has plagued all of Sony’s big releases, total lack of advertising.